Sunday, November 4, 2012


I remember when you didn't care what people thought of you, and I remember when people were real and didn't talk shit behind your back, and I remember when you had est friends and you hung out with them every single day, I remember not having to put on a smile everyday to make people happy, I remember when you could be yourself without people thinking you were weird or didn't fit in.... No actually I don't ber that ecause its fake. Even little kids these days are superficial and care more about what people think of them. They care more about who they impress then having fun poor poor kid


  1. "You poor poor girl..." - Andre Nozick

  2. I remember when I had best friends too.

  3. I remember when you could be yourself without people thinking you were weird or didn't fit in.... No actually I don't because that is fake.


  4. "Even little kids are superficial and care more about what people think of them"

    I've been thinking a lot about this. Here I am telling everyone to be more like a kid because kids don't care...but I don't know how true that is. Sure, some kids don't care- but some adults don't care either. Like you said, some kids care way too much too.....


    so who can we model ourselves after?

  5. Ricky Williams. Gives up being the best in the NFL to smoke pot and be happy
