Sunday, September 30, 2012

its 8:52 and i cant stop thinking about you.

its 9:06 and i still havent stopped thinking about you. im thinking about you like a printer thinks about ink and how ink thinks about pens and how pens think about paper. im thinking about you like doctors think about surgery. IM THINKING ABOUT YOU LIKE TOAST THINKS ABOUT A TOASTER and cooks think about their roaster how indies think about their indie music posters. who am i kidding i dont thin about you... i dread think about you i stay as far away as possible. the sound of your name makes me cringe.

Things i like for than you

1. homeless people asking for money
2. taking a bath full of spiders
3. stabbing myself repeatably in the eyeball
4. getting yelled at by a coach/parent
5. seeing my loved ones die

this is how you make me feel

when the thought of you pops into my head i get an instant headache... so please stay away



  1. Getting yelled at by a coach/parent

  2. Oh, you're talking about school? You don't like school?



    I don't understand. How could anyone not like school? I like school so much I came back.

  3. Very eclectic mix of music on your blog.

    You're so indie.

  4. I don't know about the bath full of spiders, I would rather go to school than go in that bathtub.

