Monday, September 24, 2012

The fears of an indie...

Me? Fears.... No way!!! I'm an indie I'm fearless. The only thing I could be afraid of is if my glasses are to small or my mustache doesn't glisten in the sun today. FALSE!!!!! Even I have fears. Ablutophobia is my fear to take baths. That's why I always smell bad, that and I have abnormally large sweat glands so I produce more sweat resulting in more body odor. Then there's always my fear of bullets or as scientists would say it ballistophobia. But that one doesn't really matter because I'm part of the peace core. "share the love" don't even get me started on my fear of meat!!! That's an animal. Why would I kill an animal and eat it? Would you kill your grandma and eat her??? Exactly how cruel. My fear of headphones that only work in one ear. My fear of mullet that go past your shoulders and of excessively large boulders. I'm afraid of cats with four inch Long whiskers. I'm afraid of blender bottles without their mixers. You could call me insane but what I'm really scared of is a hard copy of a book! I know right? Idk why it just doesn't fit in my satchel as good the paper bound I can roll up and pretend it's a telescope. I can fray the edges to make it look like I've been reading all day. When I go to beans and brewery (Starbucks is to main stream) I can set my coffee on it so it leaves a cool brown ring around it so that when I lend it to a friend they can think I was really into the book!! Alright now I'm afraid that this is getting to lo g and nelson will probably make fun of me anyways so cya, xoxo that castle


  1. This wasn't too long. This is good stuff. My favorite line was the one about the frayed book pages. I wonder if I do that. I wonder if I'm indie. I wonder if I'm too old to be indie.

    I need to rethink my life.

  2. I like the coffe ring. Its visual, and it made me think about cults.. idk.. Lets get coffee?
